by Master of Visual Arts
Bostjan Plesnicar

.a creator of works of art..Bostjan Plesnicar.
.Slovenia, Europe, EU.
Me about my work right now: I create paintings with various materials, especially with oils and acrylics and also create installations and sculptures from a combination of materials. I illustrate books,
teaching materials and similar publications, also draw comics ...
Lately, I’ve been upgrading my expressiveness with a stronger color scale, I would say that paintings are chromatically cleaner now, the works are more colorful... I am researching the light power of whiteness, and light power of colors. Unlike previous works, which were more conceptual, these are also experientially stronger. Now I create positive spaces and create the serenity of motives that I want to shine in the moment and to shine into the depths.
So far, I have prepared about 100 solo exhibitions and about 200 group exhibitions at home and abroad. I illustrated 10 complete picture books and created illustrations for about 150 publications. I live and work in Prekmurje, Slovenia.
Art Historian Violeta Kalikj: "The World of MA Boštjan Plesničar is full of hedonistic aura of exaltation, of exotic affairs, of the poetics of catharsis and, sometimes, of metaphysical contemplation of Zen and passion bordering exaltation of life and touches of all- love.
The lexemes or signature of discourse of all conglomerate of attributes, of sharp metaphors and lucid symbols of allegory and sarcasm show us that Bostjan Plesnicar is at the same time a philosopher, an erudite, a lucid critic.
He is a sceptic and a romantic and a gentle lyrical poet, investigating the origin of deepness of sensibility of purest exoticism. Thus we meet our personality, our selfhood, our human prehistory, the deep nature of all our impulses, those so invisible and so powerfully magnetized floccules, which leads us to exaltation and to the highness of majesty of eternity, myth, poetical love... Or somewhere his works pass the forgettable, in our world filled with alienation, obstructions and devaluation of all natural values, which destroy human spirit untill it is unrecognisable.
Bostjan Plesnicar's world is full of lucid intellectual observation, and is provocative in an untouchable fluid between a game of vibrant passion of Life and sharp ratio of Logos..."